Turnbull’s new Cabinet


Redesigning and rearranging are two words that seem to define last Monday's Cabinet reshuffle. Kelly O’Dwyer stays in cabinet as the Minister for Revenue and Financial Services, no longer looking after Small Business, now relegated to Nationals MP Michael McCormack in the outer ministry. Christopher Pyne moves from Industry, Innovation and Science to take on the portfolio [...]

Turnbull’s new Cabinet2016-07-20T11:28:22+00:00

Victorian state election: some starting line thoughts


Reading the pendulum At the last Victorian State Election in November 2010 the Coalition secured a narrow majority in the Legislative Assembly, winning 45 seats to the ALP’s 43. The first electoral redistribution for 12 years in 2012-2013 has delivered a very different electoral landscape or pendulum. Some electorates were abolished, several others were radically [...]

Victorian state election: some starting line thoughts2014-11-05T14:02:40+00:00