About Jamie Driscoll

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So far Jamie Driscoll has created 4 blog entries.

New Fires Services Property Tax announced


The Victorian Government today announced details around the new tax replacement to fund the Victorian fire services. The new property tax will be applied to all properties in Victoria – even those not insured. This approach was a key recommendation from the Bushfire Royal Commission and is fairer approach. From 1 July 2013, households will [...]

New Fires Services Property Tax announced2012-08-28T05:00:52+00:00

State Productivity Reforms on the Way


Last Thursday, as Victorians were cleaning up after the previous night’s flash flooding and thunderstorms, a report was quietly released that looks set to form the basis of the Victorian Government’s economic agenda.The Victorian Competition and Efficiency Commission, or VCEC, released its draft report into a State-based reform agenda following a formal inquiry that Treasurer [...]

State Productivity Reforms on the Way2011-11-16T23:45:08+00:00

NSW Budget – Mike Baird’s First Test


After its election in March this year, the new Coalition State Government in New South Wales took the decision to hand down its budget in September – rather than the traditional May – to allow it more time to consider its decisions. The result, handed down this week, is the first Coalition budget in NSW [...]

NSW Budget – Mike Baird’s First Test2011-09-08T05:34:01+00:00

Replacing a tax on a tax on a tax…. Victoria’s new broad-based property tax


It’s not every day that a Government has the opportunity to introduce and design a new tax from scratch. And while it might not be a task a Government will relish it’s an exercise which, as the current debate over the Federal Government’s $8 billion plus carbon tax shows, has to be well considered. While [...]

Replacing a tax on a tax on a tax…. Victoria’s new broad-based property tax2011-08-04T05:32:32+00:00